Andrew’s Posting for August 31 – September 5th

A Taste of the Carolinas and a Case of the Earpees.

Migration began to pick up this week but was slowed by high winds that prevented net operation. On August 31st winds were high in the early hours of the morning at Cabot Head and we were unable to open any nets until 9:30. Among the birds we banded were: Wilson’s Warbler, our first Philadelphia Vireo and a Traill’s Flycatcher. On the 1st of September Cedar Waxwings were moving through strong with over a hundred observed during the count period as well as a Sharp-shinned Hawk and an Osprey. We banded few birds due to high winds but were still able to operate the nets.  We banded Blackpoll Warbler, our first Slate-coloured Junco and 2 Swainson’s Thrushes. The 2nd was dominated by a small movement of raptors during the late morning including: 22 Broad-winged Hawks, 2 Red-tailed Hawks and Merlin. We banded few birds including: Our first Brown Creeper of the season, Gray Catbird and American Robin. On the 3rd census turned up: Hairy Woodpecker, Western Palm Warbler and Pine Warbler. We banded 23 birds including: Blackpoll, Bay-breasted and Magnolia Warbler and our first Licncoln’s Sparrow for the season. The 4th was calm and clear with no winds overnight and right into the afternoon bring flocks of birds from the North. We observed 39 species total and banded 39 birds of 20 species including: Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Philadelphia Vireo, Swainson’s Thrush, Red-breasted Nuthatch, our first Blackburnian Warbler for the fall, Northern Waterthrush and a STATION FIRST Carolina Wren. The only other record of the Carolina Wren was in August a few years ago but only observed not banded! During census 2 Purple Finches were observed .The 5th was cloudy but with low winds bring some birds through in moderate numbers. We banded 22 birds of 12 species. Census found large numbers of Black-capped Chickadees and Red-breasted Nuthatches moving through as well as Pileated Woodpecker, Western Palm Warblers and Myrtle Warblers. Banded birds include: our first Gray-cheeked Thrush of this fall, Magnolia Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler and Wilson’s Warbler. Besides bird banding the volunteers and I have become hypnotized by a new board game donated to us recently called Wyatt Earp and now we always have the “earpees”. Thanks to all the recent donations made to BPBO! Please join us for our upcoming open house.
